A Smooth Transition Means 
You Won't Miss a Beat

Your business can’t afford haphazard or lengthy transitions to new solutions. Because we’re S3-compatible, Titan plugs into your existing software or lets you self-manage with our lightning-fast API.

Best In Class Tech + Real Humans

When it comes to onboarding, we pull out the stops to make sure you’re up and running quickly and smoothly. Just like our tech support philosophy, we believe having a human when you need them most can make all the difference.

Onboarding Support

Titan customers who bring over 25 TB of storage will get 10 hours of complementary transition support right out of the gate. Does your team not have bandwidth to transition, or do you just want the vendor switch to cross the finish line as soon as possible? Additional migration support hours are available for purchase any time. Contact sales@titancloudstorage.com for more information.

Dedicated Account Rep

With Reserved Capacity Storage, you will have a dedicated account rep to answer any questions throughout the process.
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